Within the Cosmos, Earth is just a speck of dust in the swirl of pebbles, flowing in amazement, and holding on to all that exists. Existing by chance thus far? The decisions made by many of our ancestors and some of the people we currently share this fragile life of wonder with, are not keeping the health of our environment in mind. It is being poisoned. While we are now aware of the impacts these decisions have on our surroundings, many tracks still lead selfishly towards greed, not keeping in mind the state of our delicate and precious environment we share. These decisions have long lasting effects on our world that reach much further than the “split second” we hold a place on this Earth. Birds take flight and soar when all is right. With its prehistoric demeanor and grace the heron is the Earth’s voice. With its piercing eyes reminding us of those who have come before us and generations that will follow. Telling us a tale of two leaves that are like two souls rooting, setting a foundation, growing and turning in a journey, growing towards a healthy life, towards answers, towards accepting our burdens and celebrating the ability to care. Will we have the ability to set strong roots that will keep our Earth in balance, while we can, while it’s not too late?
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Autumn Fisher-BildsonThe brains behind this operation. ArchivesCategories |